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January 6, 2024

Mortgage firm LoanDepot suffered a cyberattack that impacted its ability to receive online payments from users and prevented borrowers from making payments on their loans.  It is unknown at this time what type of attack the lender is responding to but experts theorize that it is a ransomware situation.

January 9, 2024

The US Securities and Exchange Commissions experienced a hack of their X (formerly known as Twitter) account.  During the brief incident, a message was posted to the site that the SEC was now approving ETFs, or exchanged traded funds, for Bitcoin.  While discussions are occurring about approving this type of ETF, it is not currently approved.

January 12, 2024

Midnight Blizzard, a Russian state-sponsored actor, gained access to a legacy non-production test tenant account, and through this, they were able to access a tiny portion of Microsoft’s leadership teams corporate emails.  Some emails and attachments to those emails were exfiltrated but mostly seem to be information on Midnight Blizzard itself.  The attack was quickly shut down and affected employees are being notified.

January 18, 2024

Kansas State University is the latest public university to fall victim to a cybersecurity incident, disrupting the university’s VPN, email and video services.

January 19, 2024

A portion of Veolia’s North America’s Municipal Water division in Boston, MA was implicated in a cyber attack that took down some back-end systems and servers while the incident is being investigated.  The water or waste management systems were unaffected by this attack.

January 19, 2024

Clackamas Community College in Oregon City, Oregon announced this month that they were the victim of a cyberattack that resulted in the school canceling classes for two days this month.  The investigation is still ongoing.

January 22, 2024

Ransomware is suspected of bringing down key systems for Equilend, a service provider working with financial institutions.  The investigation is ongoing and portions of the service are still offline, including data and analytics and post-trade solutions.

January 24, 2024

The CAD (computer-aided dispatch system) was taken offline for a Bucks County, PA 911 center after a cyber attack rendered the system unusable.  911 services continue to be available as the county works to bring the system back online.

January 25, 2024

The main computer system for Washington County, Pennsylvania has been shut down following a cyberattack.  Any county activity that is linked to the main computer server is unavailable, including county email and electronic document filing.

Cybersecurity in 2024:

Key Trends and Predictions

As technology continues to advance rapidly, so do the threats against it. Staying on top of the latest cybersecurity developments is crucial for protecting your organization. In this newsletter, we highlight some of the critical cybersecurity trends predicted for 2024 and provide tips on how to prepare.

AI-Powered Attacks Will Become More Sophisticated

Cybercriminals are increasingly leveraging AI to create more advanced and tailored attacks. AI can help attackers automate phishing attempts, brute force account credentials, and mimic human behaviors to evade detection. Defenses powered by AI are needed to counter these threats. Prioritize AI cybersecurity solutions that can quickly identify and respond to anomalous behaviors.

Supply Chain Attacks Will Proliferate

The Solarwinds attack in 2020 demonstrated the immense damage that can be done by targeting third-party software providers and compromising the integrity of updates. More supply chain attacks are inevitable as cybercriminals seek to exploit trust relationships among interconnected systems. Organizations need to vet suppliers thoroughly, monitor third-party access tightly, and diversify vendors to mitigate risks.

Emerging Technologies Like IoT and Metaverse Will Expand the Threat Landscape

As consumers and businesses adopt innovations like IoT, 5G, quantum computing, and metaverse platforms, more potential vulnerabilities are introduced. Security is often an afterthought in the rush to implement exciting new technologies. Develop a framework to assess and test emerging tech for security flaws before deployment. Prioritize solutions that bake in security from the start.

Cloud Adoption Will Drive New Security Strategies


The work-from-anywhere trends post-pandemic will continue, as will the shift to cloud-based apps and resources to enable distributed workforces. Cloud architectures and perimeters are fluid and distinct from on-premises security models. Evaluate if your cloud security posture provides consistent protection across SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS. Take advantage of cloud native security tools and zero-trust models.

Skills Shortages Will Lead More Companies to Outsource Cybersecurity

The cybersecurity talent crunch will intensify, especially for specialized skills like cloud security, AI/ML, and data privacy. With limited budget and resources, outsourcing to managed security service providers (MSSPs) will become more attractive. Take care to vet providers thoroughly and structure contracts to ensure they are incentivized to deliver maximum security.

In summary, advancing technology introduces both incredible opportunities and new risks. Stay vigilant, proactively assess threats, and ensure your cybersecurity strategies evolve to match the pace of change. Reach out if you need help preparing for the cybersecurity landscape of 2024 and beyond.

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